Bonus Scenes


Always Austin

Always Austin—© Anna Brooks

Copyright © 2022 Anna Brooks

Published by Anna Brooks

Editing by Editing4Indies





I had made a lot of mistakes in my life, more than the average woman… at least out of the women I knew. I didn’t want to say getting pregnant at sixteen was a mistake because my daughter was the best thing in my entire world, but the way I acted since I found out had been nothing short of regretful.

Most of my indiscretions were when I was too young to know better, but some more recent events were on the top of my list, and I was ashamed that I reacted on emotion and not reason.

I held grudges, placed blame, and instead of dealing with my issues, I took my anger out on everyone close to me. Over the past fourteen years, I had definitely behaved in ways I wasn’t proud of. But I was working hard to make improvements so I could be someone my daughter looked up to.

The last thing I wanted was for Aubrey to be a mean girl because she was raised by a bitter woman, so I made an effort every day to be better for not only her but also for myself. Living a life of spite was exhausting, and even though facing your flaws head-on isn’t fun, for me, it was necessary.

It had taken a while, but I was finally content.

I had a good job with a steady income, a forgiving and supportive family, and a healthy daughter. There wasn’t much more I could think of wanting… well, there was, but I just wouldn’t allow thoughts of a man to deter the path I was on.

“Piper, hi. I’m glad you’re here. I’ve been meaning to talk to you.”

I lifted my head from staring at mind-numbing sixty-second video clips and smiled at Aubrey’s basketball coach. “Hi. What’s up?”

“Well, we lost one of our sponsors from last year, and the girls really need new uniforms, so I was wondering if you’d be willing to volunteer to get new sponsorship before the season starts. Since you work at the bank and have connections with local businesses, I thought you might know of an interested company.”

“Yeah, sure.”

“Really?” He propped his hands on his hips, the nylon material of his pants scratching against his fingers. “That’d be great.”

I had the time, and he was right. I knew several business owners who would probably jump at the chance to have their company’s logo on display. “Can you email me the details?”

“Definitely.” His attention moved to the court when a girl fell over. “I’ve gotta get back to it, but I’ll send something over tonight. Thanks so much, Piper. I really appreciate it, but the girls’ll be the ones who benefit from it.”

“Of course, it’s not a problem.”

He ran back to the court, and I watched the rest of the scrimmage, mindful that I didn’t want my daughter to look up and see me staring at my phone, even during practice. It was important for her to know I was here and that she was the priority, not some strangers on the internet.

After their huddle, she met me at the bottom of the bleachers, and I took her bag when I noticed her shoulders slumped. She was tall, and over the past year or so, she had lost some of the baby weight and was looking older by the minute. “Everything okay?”

“Yeah. I’m just tired.”

“Me, too. Do you want to go home to eat, or do you want to stop somewhere?”

“Can we stop somewhere?”

I figured she’d say that, and honestly, I was glad because I didn’t feel like cooking or washing dishes. “The Pig?”

“Yeah, sure.”

We got into the car, and she turned the radio station to some screeching alternative music that made my ears bleed. I had listened to the same type of music when I was a moody teenager, so my daughter definitely got that from me. She didn’t have my straight blond hair or brown eyes, though. Instead, she had dark curls and bright blue eyes, just like her father.

I’d learned not to push her to talk, so I drove silently to our town’s diner. We walked in and got a booth, where she immediately looked down at her phone as soon as we sat. “Hey, y’all!” Cricket McBride, the owner, chef, and Aubrey’s stepmother, greeted us from the kitchen, where she was cooking away.

“Hi, Cricket,” Aubrey called back happily, and I waved as well.

Cricket was nice. I was lucky to have a successful, kind, and loving woman in Aubrey’s life. Still, some part of me would always be jealous of her and the fact that Maverick chose her and not me. Or that Aubrey always seemed to have fun with Cricket, whereas with me, she only did what was asked with the bare minimum of enthusiasm, if any at all.

It was rather late, so there weren’t many people in the diner. Aside from Cricket, the only other employee was the waitress, Nova, who was married to Maverick’s father. After she took our order and brought our drinks, I reached across the table and put my hand over Aubrey’s phone. “What?” she sassed.

“Can you put that away during supper, please?”

“I will when the food gets here.”

“I’d like to talk to you for the five minutes before.”

She sighed dramatically and made a point to close out the screen and drop her cell on the table. “What?”

“How was your day?”

“Fine. Just like every other day, Mom. God. Why are you so annoying?”

I ignored the jab. “Mine was good, too. Thanks so much for asking.”

“I need to go to the bathroom.” She got up from the booth and went to the back, and after a couple of minutes when she hadn’t returned, I heard her laughter and looked over to see her in the kitchen talking to Cricket.

Now that jab I couldn’t ignore. My eyes got wet, and I blinked rapidly as I turned away. Damn, that stung. And it wasn’t that I wanted Aubrey to dislike Cricket. I just wanted my daughter to like me as much as she liked her stepmom. I didn’t think that was too much to ask.

“That’s tough.”

I lifted my head to see Austin Donovan studying me from the next booth. “What?”

“It’s quiet in here, kind of hard not to hear.” He angled his head at the kitchen. “And see.”

“Teenagers.” I tried to blow it off as I dabbed the corner of my eyes with a napkin.

“Yeah. My sister was the biggest bitch of them all… not that your daughter is a bitch, but it’s a tough age.”

I pursed my lips. “I was a brat, too, so I guess it’s karma.”

“Or it’s just a teenager being a teenager.”

“Maybe.” I sat up a little straighter, wanting to change the subject. It was hard enough that I was aware my daughter preferred her stepmom over me, let alone a guy I barely knew. “Hey, would you be interested in being a sponsor for Aubrey’s basketball team this year?” His family had their own corporation, and I talked to him when he came into the bank, so I knew he was very business savvy.

His eyebrows knitted together, and his jaw clenched before he answered. “If you want to talk business, you can call the office and make an appointment.”

That was not the answer I expected, but considering everyone talks about how much of a prick he is, I shouldn’t have been surprised. I had my mouth open to respond with something that would ensure he wouldn’t give the team a dime when Aubrey came out, balancing a tray on her hand. She was grinning proudly and set our plates on the table. “Is there anything else I can get you?” she asked as if she was on the clock.

“My daughter likes ranch with her fries.”

“I’ll bring it right out.” She skipped away, and I watched Cricket praise her from the big opening that separated the restaurant from the kitchen, twisting that little knife in my chest further.

Aubrey returned with some ranch and sat down, acting as if she wasn’t just rotten to me five minutes earlier. “Cricket said I can get a job here if it’s okay with you.”

“Oh, well… I think maybe right now you should just focus on school and basketball, but after the season’s over, I don’t see why not.”

“God, Mom. Why do you have to be like that?”

I sighed, taking a bite of my chicken-fried steak. There was no denying that Cricket was a damn good cook. “Can we talk about it later?”

“Whatever.” She rolled her eyes and chowed down her burger and fries, not saying a peep to me for the rest of the time. “I’m gonna go wait in the car.” She slid out of the booth and shouted goodbye to Cricket and Nova with a joyful voice reserved for anyone but me, apparently.

Whenever Aubrey and I ate at the Pickled Pig, Cricket never gave me a bill, but I still left a twenty on the table and then joined my daughter in the car a few minutes later, avoiding the glare I felt coming from Austin.


Three nights later, I was sitting at the bar, alone, sipping a glass of wine. Since Aubrey was at her dad’s for two weeks now, I was meeting up with my sister for a drink. I always hated the night I dropped Aubrey off because even though she was a snotty brat most of the time, I missed her like crazy when she was gone.

For the first ten years of her life, it was just the two of us, and to now only see her half the month sucked. Maverick and I had tried a week on/week off schedule but found Aubrey did better when it was two weeks at a time. She was able to have more consistency, and because we wanted what was best for her, we stuck to that.

“Can I get you another?”

I shook my head out of the daze I was in and smiled at Jeanie, the bartender. “Please.” She went to get me another glass, and I checked my phone to see a missed text message from my sister.

Frankie: Meadow just puked up her supper, and I don’t want to leave Wilder alone with a sick toddler even though he insists he’s got it covered… rain check?

Me: Of course. Aubrey’s with Mav for 2 weeks, so just let me know when you can. Give her a kiss for me. Hope she feels better.

She responded right away, and I took the glass from Jeanie. “You can close me out. Frankie’s stuck at home with a sick kid.” I paid the tab and sipped my wine, chatting with Jeanie whenever she had a minute.

After taking the last swallow, I said goodbye, and when I turned on the stool to leave, I came face-to-face with Austin. “Hey, Piper.”

“Uh… hi.” I slid off my seat, but he stayed planted right where he was, so I rubbed against his chest, which felt more muscular than I’d have guessed. “Can I help you with something?”

“You never called the office.”

“I know I didn’t. Now”—I pushed against him—“if you’ll excuse me.”

He didn’t budge. “Have a drink with me.”



“Because I don’t like you, Austin.”

He smirked, and it took away the harsh edges of his sharp cheekbones. “You don’t even know me, Piper.”

“I’ve heard enough.”

“Probably not as much as I’ve heard about you, and I’m still interested.”

My jaw dropped. “You did not just say that.”

“You’re making assumptions about me because Frankie’s in-laws have beef with my family.”

He wasn’t wrong, but there was more to it than that. I was about to shove him out of the way when I saw a couple of people watching us. The last thing I wanted was to make a scene, so I gave in. “I’ll have one drink with you, but you have to talk to me about the sponsorship.”


He motioned to Jeanie, then took my hand and led us to a booth in the middle of the room. After I sat down, he slid in across from me. “How much do you need?”


“For the sponsorship? What do you need?”

I tried to remember the numbers and what each level of donation entailed. “If you want your name on the—”

“Sure. How much?”

“They need a little over a thousand dollars for just the uniforms, but I’m working on getting some more businesses and—”

“Done. I’ll get you a check. Now that that’s out of the way, tell me about yourself, Piper.”

I pulled my head back, his blunt and confident attitude taking me for a loop. “Um… what do you want to know?” I thanked Jeanie when she set down another glass of wine for me and a drink for Austin. “Since you seem to already have an idea about me, what else could I possibly tell you?”

“I said I heard stuff, not that I believed it.”

“Well, good… I mean, it’s probably not true.” I took a swallow and sighed. “I made mistakes, but I’m learning from them.”

“So have I, but that’s not what I’m talking about.”

“What are you talking about?”

He swirled the ice in his tumbler. “Do you really think I need to be the one who goes into the bank for loan approvals, Piper? Donovan Corp has an entire finance department. I do it because I want to see you, and after months of you not taking a hint, I figured I should just be direct.”

“Months?” I racked my brain, trying to think of when he started coming into the bank, and I guess it has been that long.

“Yes. Months.”

You like me?” I asked in shock.

He tossed some of his drink back. “Yes. I like you. I’d like to get to know you better. Is that clear enough?”

“But… why?”

“Do I have to have a reason?”

I nodded definitively. “I’m not going to sleep with you.”

His eyes flashed and lips slowly tilted up into a smile, but this one was much more sinister than just a smirk. It was sexy, confident, and cocky as hell, and it made me question my words before he could even reply to them.





Something about this woman both infuriated and intrigued me. “I didn’t ask if I could fuck you, sweetheart.”

Her confidence faltered for a moment, and those golden eyes warmed to a deeper brown. “I’m just saying… if that’s your goal here, it’s not gonna happen.”

“I don’t have a goal, Piper. I just want to get to know you. And to answer your earlier question, I want to get to know you better because I think you’re pretty and funny, and we have a lot in common.”

“How so? I didn’t come from a rich family and have everything handed to me growing up.”

What I said was true, but the more she talked, the more I started to question why I was pursuing her in the first place. “Again with the assumptions.”

She raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “I know your family.”

“You know of my family. And yes, they’re rich. But to think I had everything handed to me is so far from the truth it’s not funny.” And it’s also a sore topic. I tossed back the rest of my bourbon and grabbed some cash out of my wallet. “I thought since you, like me, were often judged based on nothing but exaggerated truths and rumors, you were different than everyone else who assumed they knew who I was.” I stood and dropped the money on the table. “But I can see I was wrong. I’ll still sponsor the girls, but pursuing you was clearly a mistake, so I apologize for bothering you. It won’t happen again.”

Disappointed, I walked to my car, and my fingers had just grazed the handle when she called out my name breathlessly. “Wait. Wait. I’m sorry.” I heard her running toward me.

“It’s fine. I’m used to it.”

“No. It’s not.” She touched my arm, and I turned around to listen to what she had to say. “I’ve just spent so long being defensive and angry that I sometimes forget everyone’s not out to get me.”

“I understand that.” I really did. But it didn’t change anything. I cupped her face. Such a shame because she was really pretty. “Have a good night, Piper.”

Her lips parted, and she swallowed. “But I thought…”


“Just, I thought that maybe you’d come back in, and we could start over or something. Let me buy you a drink and make up for being a bitch.”

“Thanks, but I’m good.” I got in my car, and when I pulled onto the street, she was still standing there, mouth agape, watching me drive away. I almost stopped and turned around to give her another chance… almost.


“Mr. Donovan, Ms. Young is here to see you. She’s not on the schedule, so I can have her make an appointment.”

A part of me wanted to send her away just because I could, but my curiosity won out. “It’s all right. Let her in.”

The heavy oak door swung open, and Piper walked in wearing the clothes she always did at her job at the bank, a short-sleeved turtleneck tucked into the waist of her pencil skirt, emphasizing her flat stomach and round tits. Her legs were covered in nylons, and she had short, square heels on her feet that were more than likely comfortable. I’d normally find those shoes repulsive because they reminded me of my grandmother, but for some reason, on her, thinking about the blunt edges digging into my back made my dick hard.

She came to my desk and stood there, her eyes bouncing nervously around my large office. I leaned back in my chair. “What can I do for you, Piper?”

“The girls wanted to say thank you.” She handed me a piece of cardstock that was folded in half. I opened it up and read the individual notes of thanks from each of the girls, impressed they took the time to show their appreciation, something that was becoming rarer as the years went on.

“It was my pleasure.” I set the card on my desk. “Thanks for bringing this by, but you could have mailed that.”

“Listen, I’m sorry, okay?”

I steepled my fingers. “Sorry about what?”

“The assumptions I made about you. I’ve had that done to me so much, and I hate it. I feel terrible that I did the same to you when you did nothing to deserve it. So please, accept my apology.”

“Sweetheart, that was over three weeks ago. I’ve been over it.”

“Well, you haven’t been coming to the bank, and I’ve been communicating with your assistant about the sponsorship, so I figured you were still mad at me.”

I shook my head. “That’s her job, and I don’t hold grudges.”

“So if I ask you out to dinner, you’ll come, then?”

It was tempting, but… “No.”

“Why not?” She rolled her lips together and crossed her arms defiantly, and I couldn’t tell if she was genuinely asking or if she was just stubborn.

If she thought being cute would change anything, she was sorely mistaken. I guess I needed to remind her. “When I was talking to you at the diner, you asked me for money. Then when I let that go and attempted to strike up conversation at the bar a few days later, you accused me of only wanting to fuck you and then made assumptions about who I was based on my family.”

“You said you don’t hold grudges.”

“I’m not holding a grudge. I’m saying no to dinner because common sense tells me we’re not a good fit.” Along with self-preservation.

“You haven’t even given me a chance.”

Sighing, I stood and leaned on the desk. “I say this as nicely as I can, Piper, but I did, and I’m not interested in another one.”

Her eyes got wet, just like I saw them do at the diner, and I got a knot in my stomach knowing I was the cause of her sadness. She gave a curt nod and then cleared her throat. “Fine. Goodbye, Austin.”

“Goodbye, Piper.”

My eyes drifted down, and I watched her ass as she walked out. Once the door was shut, I moved to the window and looked down at the sidewalk by the entrance to the building. She came out and was swiping at her cheeks, and when she got into her car, she didn’t drive away.

She gripped the steering wheel with both hands, then dropped her head as her shoulders shook. I shouldn’t have stayed there, but I did, and it took everything in me not to go down there and comfort her, to give her another chance.

I genuinely did like her. I’d seen her around town here and there, and of course, I knew who she was and all about her sordid past with Maverick Ryder, a past I didn’t judge like so many others. It wasn’t until I went to the bank to sign some documents when my assistant was out sick that I talked to Piper for the first time. From then on, I made it a point to go as often as possible because she always made me laugh, and she was easy on the eyes, so I enjoyed every minute. Despite hearing about some of the shitty things she’d done in her younger years, I wanted to get to know her better, and it was hugely disappointing that she wasn’t who I thought she was.

After about five minutes of crying in her car, she finally pulled out of the parking spot and into traffic, and it wasn’t until she rounded the corner and was out of view that I went back to work… very unproductively, since all I could think about was her.

For the next several months, I avoided the bank and only saw Piper a couple of times around town. The first was at the Pig, and when I caught her looking at me, I offered a friendly smile, but she quickly averted her eyes. It was much the same when I ran into her at the bar, but instead of avoiding looking at me, she left as soon as I got there.

I couldn’t believe she was that uncomfortable around me, and I wished it could have been different. The truth was, I wanted to forget about how she treated me, but I’d learned the hard way that when a woman went into a relationship with me under the false pretense that I was a dick based solely on who my family was, there wasn’t much I could do to change their mind, regardless of how wrong they were.

Maybe I was too harsh with her. Maybe I pushed her away because it was easier than admitting how much I liked her and how damn bad it hurt for her not to be who I thought she was. I didn’t have an answer yet, but I’d thought about it every single day since she walked out of my office.

Which was where I was when I was opening my mail and saw a hand-addressed envelope in what appeared to be a young girl’s handwriting, given that the i was dotted with a little heart. After pulling the letter out, I read the invitation to the basketball team’s banquet later in the week.

A little rush of hope flowed through me, thinking that maybe attending the banquet could help Piper and I put our differences aside and move on from the awkwardness she still felt. Maybe we could start over if she’d allow it.

Instead of calling to RSVP, I decided to tell her myself. I canceled my meeting, then drove to the bank and went straight to her office. She was on a phone call, but her eyes widened in surprise when she saw me. “Excuse me, I’m so sorry, but something just came up. I’m going to have to call you back shortly.” She hung up and tilted her head. “What are you doing here?”

“I got the invitation.”

“You could have called to tell me no or, better yet…” She crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow. “Have your assistant call to tell me no.”

Ah, her attitude was back. I liked it. “I’m not saying no.”

She pressed her lips together as she listened to my answer. “You’re not?”

“No. But I have a stipulation.”

“What’s that?”

“That I escort you and Aubrey to the banquet.”

I could practically see the wheels spinning in her head. “Listen, I don’t know what games you’re playing, but I refuse to involve my daughter in them.”

“I’m not playing games.”

“You’re not?”

“No. And I’d never do something to hurt Aubrey. Despite what you think of me, I’m not a bad guy. I feel guilty that every time you see me, you run away and—”

Her shoulders pulled back. “I do not.”

“Sweetheart, you do. And admittedly, I deserve it because I guess I was kind of harsh. So let me make it up to you. We’ll have a good night and clear the air between us.”

“We can just have the air cleared now and be good.”

“Or you can take me up on my offer if you want me to sponsor the team again next season.”

Her eyes narrowed, and she dropped her arms. “How are you going to stand here and pretend this isn’t you playing a game?”

“I didn’t get to where I am by following the rules, Piper. That’s my offer. Take it or leave it.”






“Aubrey, he’s here!” I yelled to my daughter from down the hall when headlights flashed in the driveway.

Austin’s insistence on picking us up was still confusing to me, but he did donate enough money for the girls to all get new uniforms and matching shoes this season, so the least I could do as a thank-you was take him up on his offer.

I was putting on the back of my earring when there was a knock on the door, and I rushed to the front to open it. And when I did, my normally chaotic mind went completely still. Because Austin stood there with two sets of colorful flowers in his hands. He was in a suit with his normally messy light brown hair slicked back, giving him a sexy allure that made my breath catch in my throat. He eyed my black dress that stopped mid thigh as he walked past me into my house like he was invited, and a slick black limousine came into view. “You look beautiful,” he said, breaking the silence.

“That’s a limo.” I stated the obvious like a complete moron.

“I know.”

“I’ve never been in a limo before.”

He grinned. “I’m glad I can be your first.” Holding out the flowers, he added, “These are for you.”

“Thank you.” I reached up and took the offered bouquet.

“You’re welcome.”

My cheeks felt hot, and I looked away from him when Aubrey came down the hallway. She stopped dead in her tracks as she assessed her surroundings. “Wow, Mom, you look great. Hi, Mr. Donovan.”

“Call me Austin. And hi, Aubrey. These are for you.” He held out her bouquet, and she hesitated before taking them because she was not used to getting flowers from anyone other than her father.

“Oh, cool. Thanks.”

“I’ll go put these in water really quick.”

I took her flowers and hurried to the kitchen, and while I was filling a vase, I heard their voices happily chatting, which made some of my nerves fade away. After taking a quick whiff of the intricate arrangement, I returned and grabbed my clutch off the entry table. “Y’all ready?”

“If you are.” Austin motioned for us to go first, and Aubrey squealed before she darted down the steps. “Oh my God! A limo!”

He waited for me to lock the door, then held out his arm for me to take as I walked off the porch in a pair of high black platform wedges. Aubrey was already in the back seat, marveling at the color-changing lights. The driver held the door open, and Austin helped me inside. I had to whisper-shout Aubrey’s name to get her attention. “You’re in a dress,” I reminded her with a laugh.

“Oh, yeah. I forgot.” She moved off her knees to sit on her butt and cross her legs. The girls all decided they wanted a fancy banquet since they never dressed up for anything, but despite a face of makeup and a sparkly pink gown, my daughter still wore a pair of Jordans on her feet.

It was cute, though, because it was her. I loved that she didn’t sacrifice who she was for anyone. If there was one thing I could take credit for and that I was really proud of, it was raising her to be confident and not care what other people think.

“Can I listen to music?” she asked excitedly as we drove away.

“Sure.” Austin flipped a panel to expose a radio, and Aubrey scrolled through the channels and stopped on her favorite alternative station. “Nice choice,” he complimented.

“You like this band?”

Austin nodded. “I do.”

“Cool.” She smiled to herself and brought out her phone to take a bunch of selfies.

I bumped shoulders with Austin. “Thank you again. This was really nice of you.”

“It’s nothing.”

“You didn’t have to come, let alone do something so extravagant. She’s going to talk about this forever now.”

“Good.” He dipped his chin. “That’s the point.”

“What do you mean?”

He glanced over to make sure Aubrey wasn’t paying attention. “I wanted to give you a memorable night with her. Something fun.”

It took me a second to remember that he witnessed my little moment at the Pig, and my immediate reaction was to be defensive. “Everything’s fine.”

“Why settle for fine when you can have great?”

I shrugged. “I wouldn’t know.”

“That’s a shame.”

“That’s my life,” I said flippantly, but his expression turned serious, and I brought my hand to his chest. “I’m just messing around, Austin.”

His eyes moved over my face. “I’m not finding that very amusing.”

“Mom, can we take the team for a ride after we eat?”

I cleared my throat as my hand fell back into my lap, happy for the interruption. “I don’t know, honey, I—”

“Sure.” Austin interrupted. “If it’s okay with their parents, then it’s fine with me.”

“Sweet!” She did a fist pump, then typed away on her phone, and I was thrilled that she was so happy… and for once, it was because of something I did right, or at least because of someone I knew.

We arrived at the banquet, and Aubrey must have told all the girls about the limo because they stood outside waiting for us. Austin and I got out, and a set of giggles could be heard as they checked out the interior. I stuck my head in and told them to come back inside soon, and Austin held his arm out for me. “You’re very formal.”

“I was raised to be a gentleman, not a Neanderthal,” he replied defensively.

He was right… we did have a lot in common. I leaned into him. “I didn’t say it was a bad thing. You don’t have to be so defensive, at least not around me.”

The tension in his shoulders dropped away, and we stopped just inside the banquet hall. I gulped nervously when I saw Maverick and Cricket looking our way. He narrowed his eyes in our direction and then started coming toward us. “Piper.” He nodded, then turned to Austin. “What are you doing here?”

“He was invited,” I answered. His attitude was exactly why I didn’t tell him. “As the highest donating sponsor, the girls wanted to say thank you in person.”

“I love your dress,” Cricket said, trying to deter her husband from being a jerk.

“Thanks, yours is really pretty, too.” I was thankful for her interruption, but I should have known that wouldn’t be enough.

Maverick’s and Austin’s family had a long and bitter history, and apparently, Mav just couldn’t let it lie. “I don’t want you around my daughter.”

“That’s not up to you, Maverick, and now is not the time or place.” I defended my choice to come with Austin.

“I don’t need you to defend me, sweetheart. Why don’t you and Cricket get us seats at a table, and Maverick and I will go have a conversation outside.”

“Absolutely not.” I stood my ground. “This isn’t about you, Mav. It’s about Aubrey and her team, and if you can’t act right, then just leave.”

Cricket patted her husband’s arm. “She’s right. Come on, let’s go to the table.”

Maverick glared at Austin and then involuntarily followed Cricket to his seat. It wasn’t my place, but I apologized for Mav’s behavior. “Sorry about that.”

“I’m used to it, but it’s not your fault.”

I brushed a piece of fuzz off his sports coat. “You shouldn’t have to be.”

“I’m not worried about it, and you shouldn’t be either. Let’s get something to drink and have a good night.” He led me to the table that had sports drinks and bottled water, and we each grabbed one before the coach came over and struck up a conversation.

Aubrey sat at a table with the rest of her teammates, and the ceremony was a huge success. Austin was presented with a plaque from the girls with a team photo, and he seemed almost shy about accepting it. After the awards were given out and everyone ate a delicious meal, Aubrey ran over and asked Austin if they could go for a ride.

Maverick and Cricket said goodbye to Aubrey, and while the girls were all on a ride, Austin and I chatted with the rest of the parents. Most everyone knew who each other was, and not one person acted badly against Austin the way Maverick did, which led me to believe their feud was meaningless.

When the girls returned, Aubrey begged to go to her friend’s house for the night because her mom was a photographer with a studio, and they wanted to do a photo shoot in with their dresses. Of course I couldn’t say no. So that left just Austin and me alone on the way back to my house.

There was so much space in the limo, but it was still somehow suffocating. I felt the back of my neck dampen and my palms get sweaty. “Thank you for everything. I had a good night, and I know Aubrey did, too.”

“You’re welcome.” He answered without even looking at me.

The rest of the ride home was quiet, but we were close together, so our bodies touched with every bump or turn. My ankles were crossed, and I recrossed them three times, feeling antsy and a little bit turned on for some reason, despite the cold shoulder from him. It had been a while since I’d been alone with a man like this, so I assumed that was why. I fought to keep my mouth shut but ultimately couldn’t because if I didn’t ask him something, then I’d throw myself at him. “Why did you insist on coming tonight?”

“I like to see where my money’s going.”

“That’s such a lie.”

“It’s the only answer you’re gonna get from me.”

I appreciated his blunt personality, but at the same time, it drove me crazy. I thought that maybe something was going to happen between us tonight, but when he simply walked me to my door and kissed my cheek, I had to pretend my pride wasn’t stung as I watched the taillights fade away.

After pouring myself a glass of wine, I went to my bedroom and took my bra off, then changed into a nightgown and pulled on my favorite fluffy robe. I remember making fun of my mom when she’d wear hers all the time, but as I’ve discovered, I was easily turning into my mother.

I contemplated between my bed and the couch but decided on the couch since it was only nine o’clock. I had just pressed play on the next episode of a series I was watching on Netflix when Maverick called. I begrudgingly answered it in case it had something to do with Aubrey. “Hello?”

“Hey. Am I interrupting anything?”

“No. Austin just dropped me off.”

“Okay, good.”

He hesitated, and I had to pause my show. “What’s up, Maverick?”

“Are you seeing him?”

“If I was, it’s not your business.”

“If he’s around my daughter, it is.”

I didn’t want to do this because things between us had been so good, but I was about to get petty. “I seem to remember this conversation being the other way around and you getting offended when I questioned Cricket being around Aubrey.”

“That was different. I’ve known Cricket forever, but also I’ve known Austin forever.”

“If you have a legitimate reason he shouldn’t be around Aubrey, then I’ll hear you out, but if this is just you and your family holding on to some stupid generational feud, I’m not listening.”

“He’s a prick, Piper.”

I rolled my eyes. “That’s not reason enough for me, and I’m not going to continue this conversation. Have a good night.” I hung up and groaned in frustration as I tossed my phone onto the coffee table.

It was hard trying to date as an adult with a child, let alone in a small town. Most of the guys were already married, and the ones who weren’t were single for a reason. Since I moved here so Aubrey could be closer to her father, I’d barely been out, and getting dressed up tonight made me realize how much I’d been keeping myself secluded.

My twenties were spent with a little girl to raise, so I didn’t have fun like all the other women my age, and now that Aubrey was with her dad half the month, I was lonely. I needed to figure out a way to put myself out there before I turned into an old shrew.

“Not tonight, though,” I mumbled to myself as I pressed play and grabbed my glass, snuggling into the cushions. The opening credits had just stopped when my doorbell chimed, and I jumped about three feet. “Who could that be?”

I peeked through one of three glass triangles on the door and gasped when I saw Austin. I unlocked the locks and turned the knob. “What are you doing here?” I glanced behind him and saw the limo pulling away.

He closed the door and flipped the deadbolt, then grabbed my face and kissed me. I was so startled that I wobbled, and he moved an arm around my back to hold me steady. His tongue swept across my lips, and I reached up and held on to his jacket, then tilted my head so he could get deeper.

And when I felt his tongue in my mouth, that was it; I was gone. It was like there was only the two of us, and I forgot about everything and everyone else. There was no fucked-up past or a lonely future. No mistakes weighing me down, and definitely no regrets immobilizing me.

I tugged at the material that was fisted in my hands, and when his surely expensive suit coat fell to the floor, I went straight for the buttons on his shirt, tearing half of them off as I desperately worked to get him naked.

He ripped my robe off and grunted as my breasts bounced freely behind the silk of my nightgown, and then put his hands on my butt and lifted me. I kept my mouth on him, moving from his lips to his neck, while he walked us down the hall, where he somehow knew which room was mine. I landed on my bed and watched as he whipped his belt off, then got to his pants.

My legs rubbed together, and the silky material slid to expose the upper part of my thigh. Austin kicked off his pants, then crawled on top of me. I tore his shirt down his arms, and he cupped my breast from outside my nightie, then sucked my nipple into his mouth.

My back arched, and I hooked my toes into the waistband of his tight boxers, but he sat up. “Not yet.” Then he pulled down the strap of my nightie, then the other, and with his eyes on mine, he tugged down until my breasts were exposed. His gaze burned as it trailed down, and he muttered, “Damn.”

And then he toyed with me for several long, delicious minutes, alternating between kissing and sucking, nibbling. I squirmed beneath him, needing more, and he finally moved down. He sat up on his heels and took the end of the nightie in his long fingers, then peeled it off me. My bare skin pebbled as the cool air hit it, and I faintly heard the material land on the floor with a soft swoosh, and then… then he used both hands to spread me open.

I closed my eyes, feeling vulnerable under his scrutiny, but then his fingers were there, and it was nothing but pleasure. Gently pressing, circling, worshipping me in a way I wasn’t expecting. I felt my thighs shaking, and my belly got tight. Austin kept his rhythm steady, and I wordlessly came, my body trembling from head to toe.

“There it is.” I barely had my eyes peeked open when I saw his head disappear, and I screamed when he closed his lips around my still throbbing clit.

“Austin, oh my God.” I grabbed his hair, not sure if I was pushing him away or pulling him closer, and I wrapped my legs around him, moving my hips and feeling a vibrating sensation that shook me to my core.

He reached up, palming my breasts and tweaking my nipples. He moved his body with mine, and another climax was building so fast that when it hit me, I actually felt my spine arch as sensations took over and brought me to a place I’d never been before.

I’d never come so hard, twice, so close together, and I almost didn’t know what was happening. I was shaking and could feel the wetness dripping down my legs, and when he flipped me over to my stomach, I moved like a rag doll.

He had complete control over me, and I didn’t mind one bit. In fact, I liked it. Loved it. He pulled me up by my hips, slapped my ass, and slid inside with one hard thrust. And then he did what I accused him of only wanting from me; he fucked me. It wasn’t soft or sweet, but I loved it. Every second of his cock inside me any way it could be was like euphoria, and by the time we were finally done, I could barely move. I did manage to snuggle up next to him right before I passed out from the number of orgasms I had, and before I drifted off to sleep, I felt his lips press a gentle kiss to the top of my head.




I woke up before Piper and watched her sleep for a minute, thinking I hadn’t been this content in a long time. Last night was great. It was fantastic, the best night I’d had since I could remember. And not just what happened in Piper’s bed. It had been a long time since I went to any kind of event where I didn’t have to pretend to be someone I wasn’t.

Last night, I was just a guy, I wasn’t a cutthroat businessman whose sole purpose was to make money no matter who was affected, and it felt good. I almost forgot what it was like to just have fun.

Piper rolled to her side and flung her arm over my bare chest. “Hey,” she mumbled half asleep.

“Mornin’, sweetheart.”

Her weight got heavier, and she dozed off again, and although I wanted to stay and hold her all morning, I slid out and went to the bathroom, then pulled on my pants and headed to the kitchen.

We didn’t spend a lot of time talking last night, and we pretty much just stayed in her bedroom, so I took my time walking down the hallway to the kitchen. I studied the pictures on the walls, most of which were of Aubrey and then the other members of her family.

When Aubrey was a baby, a toddler, there was an innate look of sadness in Piper’s eyes that I recognized from that night in the diner. It was the same look that I couldn’t get out of my head, despite how angry I was at her for doing what everyone else did and jumping to conclusions about who I was as a man because of who my family was.

I wandered to the kitchen and opened the fridge, looking for something to make for breakfast. She had some eggs and a half of a green pepper in a plastic bag, so I grabbed those and then slid the drawer open to find some ham.

She was very organized and had the minimum of everything, one cutting board, a single set of pots and pans, a knife block. There was nothing wrong with that. In fact, I found it cute for some reason, but being a young mother likely meant she had to be frugal.

I lived in a world where extravagance was expected, expensive things defined who you were, and the company you kept said more about you than how you treated strangers. I didn’t think Piper was beneath me in any sense of the word, but she wasn’t who my family wanted me to be with. Deep down, I knew they wouldn’t accept her, so I think that was why I so easily rejected her at the first available excuse, even though I didn’t want to.

I’d just flipped the first omelet when I heard her moving around. After grabbing a plate and putting a few strawberries on it, I slid the eggs off the pan and set a fork next to it at the table.

“What are you doing?” she asked, standing just inside the kitchen in a pair of cotton shorts and a tight T-shirt that left half an inch of bare skin showing just below her belly button.

“Making breakfast.” I got my omelet going and rinsed the bowl I used to mix and put it in the dishwasher. “You had ham and peppers, so I assumed you liked that.”

She glanced at the table and then back at me. “I do.”

“Good. What do you want to drink?”

“I’ll get it.”

“Sit down, Piper.” I touched her arm when she went to open the fridge. “Let me serve you breakfast.”

Her tongue darted out, and she licked her lips almost nervously. “Okay. I just want one of my coffees.”

I angled my head at the table. “Go start eating before it gets cold.” She moved to the table, and I got a sugary, prepackaged flavored coffee out of the fridge and poured it into a glass.

After filling a glass with water from the sink, I got my food and joined her. “This is delicious, thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

We ate in relative silence, and once she was done, she cleared our dishes. “What’s happening, Austin?”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean”—she flailed her arms out at me—“what’s happening? Why are you here? Why did you come back last night and then stay and make me breakfast?”

I thought all of that was self-explanatory. “It wasn’t a secret that I liked you, Piper. I showed you, and then when you didn’t get the hint, I told you. I’d like to say that you pissed me off, but the truth was that you hurt me when you jumped to the conclusion that I just wanted to sleep with you and already had these preconceived notions about who I was since you knew who my family was.”

“I apologized for that.”

“I know. And I stewed for a while, then a little longer, and no matter how much time passed, I couldn’t get you out of my head. So when I got the invitation, I used that as my excuse to see you again.”

She wiped her hands off and propped a hip on the counter. “Okay, but why’d you come back?”

“I wasn’t going to because I saw how much shit Maverick was giving you, and I didn’t want to be the cause of any issues. But then I realized that I was sick of other people dictating who I dated, so I turned around and well… figured out pretty quickly that we were good together.”

“Last night was pretty great.”

“I know.” And damn, it was. “So I guess the question you should be asking me is where do we go from here?”

She smirked. “Where do we go from here, Austin?”

“Wherever you want, sweetheart.”


I was sitting at my desk on Monday morning, staring at my emails, unable to focus because all I could think about was Piper. She decided she wanted to take things slow because of Aubrey. So we were going to talk on the phone, and I’d come to her house next weekend, where we’d order in and just get to know each other even more.

I respected her wishes because I also wanted to make sure things between us were strong before my family found out.

Speaking of my family… My door swung open, and my father and sister stormed in. Before they said a word, I already knew what would come out of their mouths. “What’s this I hear about you dating a woman who has a child with a Ryder?” Dad thundered.

I glared at my sister, who I knew was responsible. She was friends with one of the moms at the banquet, so naturally, word spread like wildfire. “I don’t understand how that’s any of your business.”

“It’s my business when my son gets involved with a connection to the enemy.”

“Enemy? Oh my God, Dad, seriously?” I shook my head. “Listen to yourself. There was some feud over land generations ago. Paris tried to trap Hunter into marriage, and you didn’t care about that, but because I’m dating a woman who has a kid with Maverick, you suddenly care that there’s a connection to a Ryder?”

“Your sister was doing what was asked of her, which is more than I can say for what you’ve done for our legacy.”

I stood, so over this shit, it wasn’t funny. “Just stop. There is no goddamned legacy for either family. The Ryder’s own a shit ton of land, and we own a shit ton of businesses. Nobody gives a fuck about bad blood between us but you and you.” I jabbed my finger at Paris. “And it’s well past time both of y’all grow up and get over it.”

Paris glared, and my father balked. His neck and face got red, and he pointed at me. “If you continue to see that girl, you won’t like the consequences.”

“What are you gonna do, Dad? Cut me off?”

“For starters.”

It was honestly pointless to argue with him. If he didn’t think I wasn’t smart enough to invest in money outside the company, he thought I was a bigger idiot than he already did. I lifted a shoulder. “Do your best.”

Paris gasped in shock, and my father stood still. I was accustomed to his anger so I wasn’t the least bit intimidated. “Last chance,” he warned. He’d do it too. I knew he would.

“Goodbye, Dad.” I sat down and moved my mouse to wake up my computer, then lifted my eyes to see him walking out with my sister right behind. Before the door closed, our eyes connected, and she gave a very subtle shake of her head. In her own way, she was trying to warn me.

We both knew what was going to happen. Our father didn’t make idle threats. He was probably going to go straight back to his office and change the will and then start to remove me from the company, but I didn’t care. I’d lose it all if it meant I gained Piper.




The past month and a half was great—better than I expected. Austin and I talked almost every day, and even if we didn’t speak on the phone, we texted often. I really got to know him as a man, and I think barely seeing each other helped us build a strong foundation.

The workweeks were busy for both of us, so he came to my house only on the weekends I didn’t have Aubrey, including last weekend, despite me being on my period and in pain with awful cramps. He brought me chocolates and a bag of different snacks and sat with me all night while we watched movies and ordered Chinese food. We had such a good time, even though we didn’t fool around.

I was the one who wanted to take things slow, not because my libido agreed but because I had a child to think about. I wanted to make sure Austin and I were solid before we took our relationship to that next level. And it took me a lot quicker to get to that point than I thought it would.

Every single day that passed, I liked him more and more. As the weeks went on, I got upset when I didn’t see him, and when I had Aubrey and had to go almost three weeks without spending any time with him, I knew that meant something… it meant everything. I was falling in love with him, and I could tell he felt the same about me.

I was excited to tell my sister and was finally meeting her at the bar. After I got a drink for us both, I sat at a table and waited for her, and my phone beeped with a text.

Austin: Can’t wait to see you tomorrow.

My belly did a little somersault as I replied and told him I couldn’t wait either.

“What’s that face for?” Frankie asked as she sat across from me. “You’re all flushed.”

She startled me, and I fumbled with my phone as I set it down. “First, hi, how are you? Second, I am not.”

She reached over and squeezed my hand. “Hi. But you are. Who are you texting?”

“So that’s kind of why I wanted to meet you.”

“I knew it.” She clapped her hands together excitedly. “Well… spill!”

“I’ve been seeing Austin Donovan. For like, almost two months.”

Her jaw dropped. “Shut up.”

“You didn’t know?”

“No. I mean, I heard you went to the banquet with him, but nothing after that, so I just assumed that was it.” She settled in and took a sip of her drink. “I want to know everything.”

So I told her. From him coming into the bank for months just to see me, to me being dumb, and everything else that led us to me texting him back when she walked in tonight. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and when she didn’t respond right away, I got nervous. “What? Why aren’t you saying anything?”

“You seem happy.”

“I really am. I haven’t felt this way about anyone in forever. I know Maverick doesn’t like him, but he didn’t give me a tangible reason I shouldn’t see him, so I think… no, I know I’m going to tell Austin tomorrow that I want to take our relationship to the next level. Then I’ll sit Aubrey down and talk to her, but I already know she likes him, so I’m not worried about it.”

My twin sister, who looked nothing like me, smiled. “I’m happy for you, Piper. I really am. You deserve to be happy, and when you’re ready, we’ll have to do a double date.”

“Thanks, I’d like that.” I loved my sister, and even though I was kind of rotten to her in the past, I appreciated that she forgave me, and we’d moved on. “Can I ask you something?”


I hated that I even felt the need to, but I didn’t have anyone else I could ask. “Do you think I need to worry about the Ryders being upset with me about this? I know they don’t like Austin and his family, but I don’t want it to cause a problem because he’ll be coming with me to things for Aubrey, so everyone’s gonna have to be around him and stuff.”

“I don’t think so.” She took a sip of her drink. “Maverick is just like that because it’s who he is, but I know Hunter and Wilder have gotten over whatever tiff they had with Austin. Now Paris… she’s another story. That woman is vile, and if anything, she’s the one you should be worried about.”

“I can handle her.”

“I hope so.”

Frankie and I had another drink, and after ending the night by setting up the next date we were going to meet, I went home and got ready for bed. Just like every other night this week, I crawled under the covers and called Austin, but this time, he didn’t answer. I didn’t leave a message, but almost as soon as I hung up, a text came through.

Austin: Hey, a work thing came up, so I’ll call you later if I can. Otherwise, we’ll talk tomorrow.

I reread the message several times and tried not to take it too harshly because I thought it was rather cold for him.

Me: Hope everything’s okay!

He didn’t reply after that, and all night I tossed and turned, having a sinking feeling in my stomach. In the morning, I woke with a gasp and grabbed my phone right away, only to find there still wasn’t a response or his usual good morning text.

I didn’t want to be the kind of woman who played games, so I sent him another message, letting him know I couldn’t wait to see him tonight, and then I went on with my day. Since it was Friday and football season, I was able to wear a Lone Star jersey to work, so I put on my pink Tyler Tate jersey and a pair of dark-wash skinny jeans and pink kitten heels.

I missed my daughter a lot, but I didn’t ever want to burden her time with her father, so I sent her a message when I knew she was on the bus to school, and she replied as I was getting into my car.

My stomach was in knots on my way to the bank because this was the first morning in almost two months that I hadn’t communicated with Austin in one way or another. I was worried that something had happened to him, so I dialed his office.

“Donovan Corporation, Austin Donovan’s office, this is Cheryl speaking. How can I help you?”

“Hi, Cheryl, it’s Piper Young. Is Austin in?”

“He is, but he’s unavailable. Can I take a message?”

My mouth got dry. “No, thanks. Have a good day.”

I hung up and held my phone in my hand and tried not to let my mind wander to the negative place it wanted to go—he was fed up with waiting, he was going to end things, he was cheating on me. Every negative possibility I could conjure up came to the surface. All of it swirled around and around until I was dizzy.

I turned up the air-conditioning in my car and saw I was running late, so I tried to shove my feelings aside as I drove to work. I never thought of myself as a 9-5 girl, but my options as a single mother were limited. This place ensured I’d be at every one of Aubrey’s games, and they promoted me without a degree, so I was grateful to them.

Even though I was distracted, I did my job, and it wasn’t until I saw Paris walk in that I knew something was really wrong with Austin. She marched right to me and slammed the door behind her. “I’m only here because my brother is an idiot and too hungover to function.” She plopped down in the chair.

She was baiting me. I knew she was. “What can I help you with, Paris?”

“Austin sent me.” She set her ridiculously large purse on my desk. Everything she wore was clearly designer and probably cost more than my entire month’s salary. “He said something about an account that needed to be closed or something.”

“What account?”

“I don’t know.”

I sighed. “Paris, I can’t help you unless you tell me what account you’re talking about.”

“Fine, I’ll ask him.” She pulled his name up on her phone, and I diverted my attention to the window that faced the lobby. When I realized she was FaceTiming him, I moved my eyes back to the screen. And when a woman answered, my stomach flipped. “Where’s my brother?” Paris asked snottily.

The mystery woman was sitting on a bed… a bed that I assumed was Austin’s. One that I hadn’t even been in yet. “He’s getting out of the shower.” And just then, the door behind her opened, and I saw him walking out as he was pulling a shirt over his head.

“Who’s that?” he asked.

“Your sister.”

“Tell him I’ll call him later.” Paris hung up, and I knew she could see it on my face. Heartbreak. Disappointment. She got to her feet and dropped her phone into her bag, then tilted her head. “I just thought you should know.”

And when she walked out, I held it together long enough for it not to be obvious that she’d just delivered that blow. He was cheating on me. There was a woman in his house, a woman who was comfortable enough to answer his phone while he was in the shower. Was that his real girlfriend, and I was the other woman? No… he wouldn’t do that, would he?

I took my lunch break early and left a voicemail for my boss that I was taking the rest of the day off. Then I drove to Austin’s because I needed answers.

I’d never been to his place, but I knew where he lived, and I didn’t think the first time I saw his home would be because of this. There were a couple of other cars in the driveway, and I parked in front of his two-story home and took in the pristine yard, thinking it didn’t look like the guy I knew. Sure he wore a suit, but he was easygoing, kind of messy, funny, and he was really caring. At least I thought he was. Maybe he had me fooled this whole time.

I knocked on his door and didn’t even think about the fact that he might not still be here, but after several long minutes, the door finally swung open. He looked at me, and his face said so many things that I couldn’t begin to comprehend them all. “Aubrey.” He glanced behind him and then shook his head. “It’s not a good time, sweetheart.”

“Who is that?” I heard a female voice boom from inside.

“Who is she?” I asked softly. A part of me didn’t believe it, especially because it was Paris. Frankie had warned me how vile she was, but I didn’t want to think someone would actually be that… gross.

His head tilted. “Who’s who?”

“The woman who answered your phone when Paris called?”

“Paris hasn’t called me today.”

But there it was… I watched her call him, so he was lying to my face. “Damn, this is a shame.”


“I was going to tell you that I was falling in love with you tonight, but I guess it’s better to have my heart broken before I say the words to you out loud.”

When I took a step back, he grabbed my arm. “Piper, I don’t know what you’re talking about, but if you…” He sighed, and it was like something dawned on him. “Fuck it.” He tugged me into the house, and I didn’t look at anything other than the three people standing in the living room. The older couple was clearly his parents, and the other woman was the one I saw answer his phone. He must have sensed me tense up because he cursed under his breath. “What the fuck did you do?”

“Son, watch your mouth,” his dad said.

“Who was it? Just Paris, or were y’all in on it, too?” Austin asked. “Mom?”

She swallowed and took a step toward her son, but he backed away, bringing me with him. “I don’t believe you.” He shook his head. “What did she do, Piper?”

I wasn’t exactly sure what was happening, but I knew that my gut was wrong, and I wanted to sob in relief that he wasn’t cheating on me. “Paris came into the bank about an account, then FaceTimed you to ask about it, but she answered.” I pointed at the other woman in the room. “Then Paris hung up and said she thought I should know, implying that you were cheating on me.”

“Of course she did.” He laughed. “Ya know what, I’m done.” He pulled me next to him even closer and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “I’m in love with her, and the fact that you’d all be in on something so fucking juvenile and vindictive because of some money is truly disgusting. Nothing you could say will make me stay with the company, and the fact you went to such lengths to make Piper think I was cheating on her to break us up would change that is comical.”

“You’ve already been written out of the will, Austin. Don’t make this harder than necessary,” his father threatened.

I gasped and looked up at Austin, but he was staring at his father with such disdain it almost scared me. “I don’t want anything from you. All I need is right here. Unless and until you can grow the fuck up, I don’t want to see either one of you. And when you see Paris, you can tell her the same because I don’t ever want to speak to her again.” He dropped his arm and took my hand, then led me outside. “I hope you meant what you said.”

“About what?” I asked, trying to keep up, both physically and mentally.

“That you’re in love with me.”

I stopped at the passenger side of my car when he did. “Yeah… I do. I mean, I did, but—”

“No buts. I love you, too, and you know that whatever bullshit they orchestrated was just that. That woman was the daughter of one of my dad’s friends, and they brought her here to discuss some dumbass business thing, but she spilled her wine on me. I had no clue she was going to follow me to my room when I changed, but now everything makes sense, including why they came to my house in the first place.”

“I don’t know what to say.”

“Say you’ll let me come home with you.”

I glanced up when I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, and when his dad started coming down the stairs, I yanked my door open. “Let’s go.”

He grinned and ran around to the driver’s side and pulled out of the driveway as he adjusted the seat. “Holy shit.” He looked in the rearview mirror and then laughed as he peeled out onto the road. “I wasn’t expecting to do that.”

“What just happened?”

“I gave it all up for you.” He glanced at me. “And for Aubrey.”

“I can’t ask you to do that.”

He pulled over and turned to me. “You didn’t. I’ve been slowly distancing myself from the company anyway and starting new projects on my own, so I’ll be fine in that regard. That’s why I’ve been so busy lately. I just… I couldn’t take it anymore.”

“Take what?”

“Them not accepting you.”

I was confused. “We haven’t even told anyone.”

“They knew. When they heard about me going to the banquet with y’all, they knew you were it for me, just like I did. I was only waiting for you to get on the same page as me.”

My heart did a happy little flip, and I grinned. “It didn’t take me that long.”

“It feels like it. Now, can we finally tell Aubrey so we can all go out together in public, and I can spoil you like you deserve?”

I nodded. “Yeah.”

“Good. Because there’s a new restaurant I opened up on the other side of town, and I’d like to show you.”

“You opened a restaurant?”

“I did. I’ve been working on that for a while but more recently started investing in other opportunities outside of Donovan Corp.” He reached over and took my hands. “I want to make this work with you, and I refuse to let my family be a reason we’re not together. As my sister demonstrated today, that’s exactly what would happen, so I’m done with them. But I’m so fucking excited to start my life with you.”

I started to cry, so happy and relieved and excited that finally something was going good in my life. “I don’t want you not to have a relationship with your family.”

He wiped my tears away. “We’ll reconcile eventually.”

“I hope so.”

He cupped my jaw. “I love you.”

“I love you, too. And I want you to stay with me, but I think we need to ease you into Aubrey’s life.”

“I know.”


He kissed me softly. “Okay, now let me go feed you so we can get back to your place, and I can have my dessert.”

“Why don’t we have dessert first? It’s always better that way.”


“Yeah.” I leaned over and kissed him. “Always, Austin.”

His thumb brushed across my cheek, and he smiled. “Whatever you want, Piper. If I can give it to you, it’s yours.” He got back on the road, and I couldn’t take my eyes off the man I knew I was going to marry, thinking I’d do everything all over again… all the struggles, the heartache, the pain, if it meant I’d eventually end up with him.


Thank you for reading Always Austin.

Can Paris redeem herself? You can find out in her story, Protecting Paris.

Start the Small Town Saviors series today with Guarding Georgia.


©Anna Brooks


 Oh my God, he’s here.

His laughter catches my attention. His deep, husky voice hums through my body every time I hear it. But when I look down the hallway and get a glimpse of his perfection, the anticipation of seeing him is instantly replaced with nerves. The air sizzling with excitement at the thought of him is now thick and stifling.

Just like every single time I’ve seen him since I first met him. Something shifted, and I felt like he saw me as more than a friend. It’s been harder and harder to be around him since then, and right now, it’s the worst it’s ever been… and I hate it.

I try to suck in a breath, but it burns my lungs.

He’s coming this way.

Oh, my God.


I need to get out of here. My options are limited because my only way out is past him or through the backyard where the rest of the party is. If I go through the back, Erik would take one look at me and know something is wrong. I love that about him. But times like right now, I wish he wasn’t so dang observant.

My parents insisted on having a sweet sixteen party for me and my friends, and a bunch of the guys from Ace are here like always. Of course, some are working so they couldn’t attend, but when you’re a bodyguard, it’s hard to get a day off. I learned right away how much time apart from their lives they actually sacrifice, and it’s staggering.

Royce isn’t working, though. Oh no. Of course, he had to be here. Which I love and hate at the same time.

I turn my back on him as he walks into the kitchen. It won’t stop him from talking to me, though. Royce always makes it a point to be nice to me, and he always makes me smile. But more importantly, I make him smile. It’s been months and months since I’ve seen him, and I feel like I’m going to vomit at the thought of being alone with him.

Which seems counterproductive because as much as I crush on him, the logical thing would be to want to be alone with him. But faced with the reality, I freak out. It’s one thing to be surrounded by people and us talking. Or seeing him at the office and chatting in the hallway.

That’s different. It’s okay.

But alone in the kitchen with absolutely nobody else around…

My hand is shaking so badly with nerves that I’m worried I’ll slice my finger off. To prevent an injury, I hold the knife so the blade rests on the cutting board.

Praying he goes directly outside, I try to make myself smaller and drop my head so my long blond hair covers my face, like it will shield me.

Heavy boots pad on the floor.

The pulse in my neck makes the cold silver chain bounce against my heated skin.

“Hey, Paisley girl.”

My entire body jolts, and the shock snaps me out of my fear enough to answer. “Hi.” I don’t raise my head. I can’t look at him while he’s standing here, and I’m acting like such a moron. I’m such a fool. I even wore my cute shorts today too, but for what purpose? What was I thinking? I’m sixteen. He’s twenty-two and so out of my league it’s not even funny.

He reaches over and snatches a slice of pepper, then I hear it crunching in his mouth. “Whatcha doin’?”

The subtle reminder that I’m standing here doing nothing allows me to take a breath and continue to cut the vegetables. “Cutting peppers.”

“You all right?” At the sound of the concern in his voice, my hand shakes even more. Embarrassment that I’m having this strong of a reaction to him causes my throat to close up. I’m an idiot. It’s not like I haven’t talked to him before.

I chop at the pepper, but instead of hearing the crisp of the vegetable, a searing pain in my finger makes my vision dark. When I blink, tears fall out of my eyes. But when I focus on where the pain is coming from, I see my finger practically falling off the bone, and it registers that I did exactly what I was trying to prevent. This is just what I feared.

“Fuck! Paisley.”

My teeth chatter, and I drop the knife, then clutch my severed finger to my body. Sticky warmth coats my arm as blood leaks out. Royce pulls my hand away and wraps a towel around the injured finger. “Shit, that’s really deep.”

God, I’m an idiot. So stupid.

“Erik!” Royce shouts. “You’re gonna need to get stiches. Damn. You doin’ okay?”

I peel my eyes away from the red stains on my cute shorts and finally risk a glance at him but immediately wish I hadn’t. His brows are drawn together as his face is a mask of concern. For me. I always love his attention, but now I wish I didn’t have it. His muscular biceps flex as he applies pressure, and the veins in his forearms pop as he holds my finger tight. I blink, and a tear falls. Not from pain, though. I can’t feel anything anymore except for his touch. His warm hands surround mine, and nothing else in the world exists but him and the comfort he brings.

He wipes the wetness away from my cheek with his thumb, and the skin he touched starts on fire as a new round of pain threatens to spill over from my wounded heart knowing this crush isn’t going away. It just gets worse for me while he’s never wavered in treating me more than the boss’s daughter.

“What the fuck happened?” Erik storms in the room with every single other person from the party on his heels.

“I… I-” Oh my God. This is so embarrassing.

“She sliced the shit out of her finger. It’s really deep, and she’s gonna need stitches,” Royce interjects.

“Oh Paisley, are you okay, sweetie?” Polly asks me, rushing to my side.

I nod. Words are lodged in my throat, and I wish I could just get sucked into a hole right now. Right down the shoot so nobody could see me like this. A blubbering, stupid mess.

“Party’s over. Gotta take my girl to the hospital,” Erik announces.

“No!” I surprise myself with how forceful I sound. “I’m f-fine. Don’t stop the party.”

“I can take her,” Polly insists. “You guys just go on and hang out. We’ll be back before you know it.”

Erik scoffs. “If you think I’m letting you two go by yourself to the ER, you’re insane.”

“Then you take her, and I’ll stay here. It’ll be fine.”

“If you’re sure you’re good, I’ll take her. The boys’ll cook up the steaks if we’re not back in a couple of hours.”

I don’t wait for them to decide who’s taking me as all the other guys look at me with pity. All of them single, some of them with a date, but every single man one who I’d trust with my life.

My hand is really starting to hurt, and I don’t want everyone to see me crying, so I head into the garage. Erik is right behind me and helps me into his SUV.

“You holdin’ up okay?” He squeezes my knee as he pulls out of the garage.


“Everything else okay?”

See. He knows everything. “Yup.”

He focuses on driving, and I try to focus on anything other than the fact that I just embarrassed myself in front of Royce. Erik must have been speeding because we arrive at the hospital in record time.

My mind is so fuzzy, and the pain is intense now that some of the adrenaline has worn off, but despite all of that, the only thing I can think about is Royce and how good it felt to have him touch me. Still, I don’t miss the way Erik watches me and how his brows scrunch when I have to shake my head to focus on what’s happening. He asks me a dozen times if everything is okay, and I know he’s not just talking about my finger.

By the time I get stitched up and we arrive back home, it’s almost three hours later, and I’m expecting that the guys would have cleared out by now. So when we drive down the long driveway, I’m surprised to see everyone still here. Including Royce’s all black Dodge Challenger.


“What’s dammit?” Erik asks as he closes the garage door.


I unbuckle just as his beefy hand gently grabs my arm. When I look at him, he raises a brow. “Aside from the hand, is everything else okay?”

“Yep. Fine.” I open the door and hop down. “I’m going up to my room. I need a shower.”

“Don’t get the stitches wet.”

“Crap.” I pause at the entrance from the garage to the house. “A bath then.” Once I step foot inside the kitchen, I’m relieved to find it empty. One thing’s finally going right for me today, so I make a beeline for my room.

I wash my hair first, and though it takes twice as long with only one hand, it’s so worth it. Hospitals always make me feel so dirty. Then I scrub the dried blood off my arm and drain the dirty water from the tub. I wrap a towel around my body and walk out of my attached bath into my bedroom.

It’s not late enough to go to bed, but I plan on lying under the covers and watching some horror movies to get my mind off boys altogether. Something scary should snap my head out of the Royce web it’s weaved. I hope.

I grab my pajamas out of the drawer and slide the bottoms up, then put my arms through the thin straps of the cami. Grabbing my stuffed bear that I’ve had since I was born, and one of the only things still from my childhood, I plop down on the bed and cross my legs. Laughter from outside filters in through the closed window. Normally, I’d be out there with everyone quietly observing but still having a good time. A lot of times, Royce would sit next to me and we’d talk about nothing. Which also confuses the hell out of me by my ridiculous reaction tonight.


Whatever. I can’t change it. I don’t even try to understand anymore. I get up and shut my lights off and fight the urge to go look and see what they’re all doing. To see him.

Then I plop back down on my bed with a dramatic and pathetic sigh. After a quick scroll through Netflix, I find just what I’m looking for, and I grab my teddy bear and cuddle with it. My stuffed animal provides me comfort even though I’m well past the age for it. It was always on my bed, and when my parents were killed, it quickly became a security blanket. I pull my knees up to my chest and wince when I squeeze my hand.

The stupid cut needed eight stitches, but at least it doesn’t really hurt anymore after the pain medicine they gave me. I still can’t believe I did that. God… that’s what I get for fantasizing about someone who I can’t have. Not only is Royce older than me, but he’s way out of my league. He’s so, so hot, he’s funny, he’s charming, and he’s confident.

He’s everything I wish I could be. Well, not hot, but just the confidence he has. I wish I believed in myself enough not to care what people thought. Out of all the guys, he’s definitely the funniest.

A knock on my door startles me, and my neck snaps up, making the back of my head slam against the wall. “Shit,” I whisper to myself. “Yeah?”

The door slowly opens, and when Royce sticks his head in and shoots his killer smile at me, my heart stills. “What are you doin’ up here all alone?”

Hiding. “Just watching a movie.”

He steps in and sits on the edge of the bed, his face softening as he looks at my bandage. “How’s the hand?”

Oh, my God. He’s here. In my bedroom. “Fine.” I pull my knees tighter and give my attention to the movie.

A moment of silence passes. Then another. I hear him swallow, then clear his throat. “You sure you’re okay?”

“Yup. Just tired.”

A girl screams on the screen, and I jump. Royce chuckles. “I didn’t picture you for a scary movie girl.”

Girl. Like I needed the reminder. “Yeah.”

“I like ’em, too.” Then he does something that I would never have expected him to. He swings his legs up on the bed and leans against the wall, his body mere inches from mine. So close I can feel the heat radiating off him.

My focus isn’t on the screen but solely on not making a fool of myself again in front of him. We sit in silence, me because I’m completely speechless, and him because he’s totally into this movie. My heart rate becomes increasingly erratic as the minutes tick by. With my luck, I’ll have a heart attack.

But hey, maybe I’d get mouth-to-mouth from him.



This is bad. I shouldn’t be in here with her. Alone. On her bed. I don’t know what possessed me to join her in the first place. I only wanted to come and give her her present before I left, but I’m suddenly feeling things I shouldn’t be.

Shit. What the fuck? “Here.” I hand her over the small box, and she sits up.

“Royce.” She takes the box and opens the paper, doing her usual gasp when she sees the jewelry. “Oh my God, I love it!”


“It’s beautiful. Thank you so much.” She holds up the necklace, a teddy bear covered in itty bitty diamonds against her hand. Then she pulls it out of the box and clasps it around her neck. She turns to me with a radiant smile, and my chest constricts.

When I walked into the kitchen earlier, and she was standing at the counter in a pair of shorts so short I could see the bottom part of her round little ass, I almost ran into the damn wall I was so distracted. I hadn’t seen her for quite a few months, and in that time, she’s grown up.

She was always really pretty, but now she’s gorgeous. Such natural beauty that it startled me the very first time I saw her picture on Erik’s desk.

Even now in a pair of pajamas and a wet head of hair, she’s a knockout. But shit, if Erik comes in here, he’ll rip my dick off. He should, too, for the thoughts I’m suddenly having about his little girl.

I need to leave, but I don’t want to. I’m enjoying her company far more than any chick I’ve ever spent time with. I always have loved hanging out with her. Even if we’re surrounded by everyone else at a party or if she comes into the firm and hangs out, she’s always just being her cute self. She brings such a light and innocence that it’s so easy to be around her. Freeing, almost.

Like now. Clutching a teddy bear and hiding behind it as she watches a scary movie. The contradiction between the two is another reason I like her so damn much. She’s tough on the outside, but I see the softness she still possesses.

Her wet hair smells better than it normally does right now, too. It’s sweet like strawberries. I wonder if she’d taste as sweet as one too.


Where the hell did that come from?

I can’t be thinking that about my boss’s daughter. Not like that. She’s Paisley. Sweet, innocent little Paisley.

I look over at her, and the side of her tank top is pulled tight, displaying enough side boob to make my dick twitch.

Double fuck.

I’ve gotta get out of here. “I’m gonna take off.” I jump out of her bed like a bullet, trying to subtly adjust myself.

She looks up at me, her pretty face soft and pliant. “Okay. Bye, Royce.”

I really need to move, but I can’t. My name coming out of her mouth… I enjoy it far too much. I lick my lips. Hers part and soft little pants come through. This is new. Christ, what those lips would look like wrapped around my cock. Pink and plump.

“What are you doing in here?” Erik flips the lights on, and Paisley squints against the sudden brightness. “You okay, Paisley?”

The accusation in his voice not only pisses me off, but it insults me, too. He knows better. I’d never fucking hurt her. “What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”

“It means I don’t know why you’re in my daughter’s room alone with the lights off and the door closed.” He crosses his arms.

“I’m fine, Derik. Royce was just giving me my gift.”

I keep my eyes locked on Erik, but address her. “You don’t need to speak for me, Paisley.” Then Erik. “I wanted to see how her hand was before I left. She’s your daughter, man.”

The way he stares at me like he’s imagining all the ways he could murder me with his bare hands would make most men piss in their pants, but he doesn’t scare me like that. Sure, if I ever hurt his precious Paisley, he’d kill me, but I’d let him if that were the case.

After a few intense moments, he finally drops his shoulders. I don’t know if I’m more pissed that he’d imply I was trying something with Paisley or that I had the thought myself. I shake my head in disgust at him because it’s easier to be pissed than accept the fact I want a girl I clearly can’t have for a multitude of reasons.

Then I turn my head, and when she looks from Erik to me, I smile. “Stay sweet, Paisley.”

Continue reading the Guarding Her series here! 

©Anna Brooks


Normally, when I have a target in sight, I stay inconspicuous. They don’t even realize I’m about to blow their brains out until they’re dead. It’s not something I enjoy, but if I’m called in, it’s because someone innocent is in danger, and I have no problem ending the life of someone who plans to hurt innocent bystanders.

Killing people isn’t something I ever thought I would do for a career, but my fascination with guns at an early age made me an expert marksman, thanks to Dad letting me go to the gun range every weekend since I was ten.
The damn heat of the Vegas air is making me claustrophobic and agitated inside an old, abandoned, non-air-conditioned building, but when the back door opens and I see him, a chill runs through my body and an evil smile forms on my face.

“Who the fuck is this?” He fights against the large man holding him, but his attempts are futile.

The door creaks open again, and Danny Russo walks in with two other men, both menacing and not people you would want to meet on the street.

“What the fuck is going on?” Stanley continues to fight, even though his captor doesn’t budge an inch.

Another man walks in, sets a chair on the floor, and drops some zip ties next to it. The man pulls him closer and forces him to sit while the other guy tightens the plastic ties to Stanley’s wrists and ankles.

“What the fuck?” He screams and screams, but we all just stand around waiting for him to stop. Part of being a good sniper is having patience, but this isn’t a usual assignment for me, so my patience is running thin.
“Rick, you wanna stay for this?”

He crosses his arms and nods. “Fuck, yeah. I’ve been dying to get my hands on this prick. He hurt my sweet Ruby … now, he must pay for that.”

“Very well.” Danny walks around and squats down in front of Stan.

“You put a hit out on my daughter?”

Stan stills and leans his head closer to Danny. “She’s not your daughter. It was my dick inside Vi’s tight cunt that—”

Danny’s head snaps forward so fast I didn’t even see it coming, and he cracks Stan’s nose, causing blood to spurt everywhere. Stan cries like a little bitch, and I can’t help but chuckle.

“You raped Violet. You made her lie to me because you knew what would happen if I found out. This whole fucking time, you’ve made a fool out of me.” Danny spits on Stanley’s face.

“And with Ruby. I trusted you to protect her. To watch over her. I find out that all those years you put your hands on her …” He shakes his head. “I’m a smart man, Stanley, and I’m ashamed that I didn’t realize what a rat you were until it was too late. So for that reason, and that reason alone, I’m letting Vi and Ruby live the life they want, even though Ruby’s divorce fucked with Tellano’s deal and is costing me millions. You were supposed to look out for her when I couldn’t, and not only did you fail to do that, but you actually thought you could eliminate her. Now, I’m eliminating you. I’m through here.” He stands and turns his attention in my direction. “If I can ever be of assistance again, don’t hesitate to call.” He nods and shuts his mouth before opening it again. “Tell Dominic I said hello.”

“Will do.”

My uncle walks out. The sound of his expensive shoes clicking on the tile fades away as he disappears through the same door he came in. I hold him accountable for what happened as well, but I can’t focus on him right now.
The two men he came with stay in place and I nod at Rick, the man who helped arrange all of this with me. He stands a step away from Stan as I replace the empty spot where Danny just was.

“I should stand here and do this.” I send a right hook directly to his jaw and wince when he starts to cry at the impact. “Aww, sorry. Did I break it?”

“Fuck you!”

“Okay, okay. We’ll just get on with it.” I take out my gun, and in immediate succession, I shoot each of his kneecaps. His entire body jerks and he opens his mouth to scream, but nothing comes out. “Sorry, did you have something to say?”

He whimpers and I look over at Rick. “I’m done.”

“I’ll finish him off. I’d tell you to give Ruby my love, but she doesn’t need to know you were involved.”

“Thanks again. You should come visit sometime.”

“Maybe I will.”

I hand my gun to one of the men standing there and walk out without looking back. The sound of Stanley screaming is the only noise for miles. Once I get in the rental car, I remove my black rubber gloves and toss them on the passenger seat. I take a deep breath and start the engine to head back to the airport.

I’m a loyal fucker, and if anyone fucks with someone I care about, it won’t end in a way that’s favorable to them. Not only did he rape my mom, but he also beat my sister and put a hit out on her. He was easier to take down than I thought, but like I told Pierce, Danny Russo’s image would be shattered if he allowed the man who tried to kill his daughter live.

My flight takes off in an hour and a half, so I haul ass to the airport and scarf down a quick burger before I board my plane. I manage to get a couple of hours of sleep, and when I take my cell off airplane mode, I turn on the burner phone and grimace at the image of Stanley’s dead body.

I shoot off a quick text to Pierce to let him know everything’s taken care of. I know what I told him has confused him, but at least he knows Ruby’s not in danger anymore. As I pass a garbage can, I toss the phone in it and wipe my hands on my jeans.

I walk to my car in the parking garage and head to Lisa’s house. I haven’t driven by in a few days, and as much as it kills me, I need to see her. Even a glimpse. I’ll take any-fucking-thing at this point.

To get a better view, I park on the opposite side of her house and shut my lights off. No sooner do I lean back in the leather seat does she come into view, stepping out of a guy’s car. He gets out and follows her to her porch.

“Oh, fuck no.”

I’m not gonna tolerate this shit anymore. She’s fucked around long enough. I know she remembers me. And if she wants to continue pretending she doesn’t … I’m about to make her.


Copyright © 2020 Anna Brooks


“I think Jay is cheating on me.” I confess the fear that’s been clawing away at me for a week to my sister.

Opal’s eyes bug out of their sockets as she chokes on her pizza. She holds her finger up while she takes a drink of water and then clears her throat. “Um, what did you just say?”

“Jay. I think he—”

“No way.” She shakes her head and frantically waves her hands in front of her. “No way. No freaking way. That guy loves you so much it’s actually sickening… He would never.”

I pick the purple nail polish off my fingers and watch as my son, Jaydon, and niece, Olivia, run around my sister’s backyard.

“He came home late a couple of nights ago.” I hold my finger up as I tick off the unusual things that have happened the past couple weeks. “He canceled our lunch date on Monday at the last minute. And he left the living room to take a phone call while we were cuddled up on the couch watching a show.”

She rolls her eyes. “Liv, he’s got a busy job, and things happen. You know this.”

“I know, but Opal, he never gets up and walks out to speak on the phone, even when it’s about a case. He’ll be discreet, but once he’s home for the night, unless he’s on call, he’s at my side. At the very least, if his hands aren’t on me, his eyes are. And when I say he came home late the other day, I mean he was supposed to get Jaydon from Mom and Dad’s on his way home from work at four, and Mom told me he didn’t arrive until after five.”

“I’m sure he’s just got something going on with a case, Liv.”

I glance behind me to make sure Ryan’s not home yet and listening. Not only is he the love of my sister’s life, but he’s also really good friends with Jay, and the last thing I need is him getting in the middle of this. “You don’t understand, Jay turned me down last night.” Her head rears back, and I nod. “Yup. In all the years we’ve been together, the only time he ever turned me down was the very first night he came to my apartment the day I met him. And the only reason he did is because he said he didn’t have the time and wanted to make sure I knew I was a priority, not just a quick fuck.” Which is one of the reasons I fell for him so hard and so fast.

“Talk to him. If you’re really that worried, which I don’t think you need to be, then you need to talk to him. If you don’t, he’s going to know something’s wrong with you, and he’ll be on your ass until you tell him anyway.”

She’s right. Part of what makes him such a good detective is his ability to read people. But me in particular… he knows me almost better than I know myself. Which is why he’s been asking me if everything is okay the past couple of days, even though I thought I was hiding my fears well enough that he wouldn’t notice something was wrong.

I need to talk to him, but I’m so afraid of what he’s going to tell me. I love him with all that I am and have already had to live without him once. I wouldn’t survive if I lost him again. I need to find out what I did and then fix whatever is wrong, because it has to be something I messed up. “Will you keep Jaydon for a little bit?”

“Yeah, no problem. I can bring him home later if you want. Just let me know.”

The problem is that I don’t know, but right now I need to be alone so I can think. “Awesome, thanks.”

After saying goodbye to her and my baby, I go to my car and dial my husband’s number, only to have my call go to voicemail. That never happens. Ever. I honestly can’t remember a time he didn’t answer when I called. “Oh, God,” I say to the dial tone and hang up with trembling fingers and dreadful thoughts.

I’m realistic enough to know that relationships have problems, and was fully expecting our marriage to have ups and downs, I just never thought that Jay being unfaithful would be something I’d ever have to worry about. I try to be the woman he fell in love with and treat him like the amazing man he is, but having a toddler takes time and energy away from Jay that used to be for him. And since Jaydon was born my body doesn’t look the same, while Jay continues to get hotter as each day passes.

Not knowing what to do with myself because I’m filled with fear that he’s stepping out on me, I point my car in the direction of our house and stop at the coffee shop that has the best brownies in the world on the way.

Because when in doubt, chocolate always helps.

I go inside and purchase two brownies, and then head back to my car, but something shiny catches my eye. There’s a penny several feet away, and the sun is shining, so I take it as an omen that maybe the day will get better, and once I talk to him, he’ll reassure me that we’re still okay. A lucky penny is how we met and every time I see one, I feel a little flutter in my chest. Smiling, I walk the few feet and am about to bend down when I hear the unmistakable sound of my husband’s deep voice around the corner.

“My wife doesn’t find out.”

“No, I won’t say anything,” a female replies.

I don’t move, paralyzed by fear and terror and heartache.

“Been with her a long time, and I’ve never done anything like this, it never even crossed my mind, but then I saw you and thought it’d be worth it to see if you were interested.”

She giggles and it makes me want to puke. “You know I’m interested. I’ve wanted to do something like this for a long time, so even though I’m a little nervous, I’m really excited.”

“Me, too.”

“What are you going to tell her?”

I hear him sigh. “Dunno, I’ll make up some shit about a case or something. The last thing I want to do is hurt her or make her suspicious, so she cannot find out.”

“She won’t. You’re not the only man I’ve done this with before, and never once have I been caught.”

“Well then, let’s not ruin that streak with us.” His voice is fucking flirty, and the homewrecker giggles again. I want to run around the side of the building and tackle a bitch and rip her eyes out, but I don’t because I can’t move. And even if I could, I’d probably collapse to the ground just like my world is crumbling around me.

“I’ve gotta go. Meet you at the hotel tomorrow?”

Um… what?

“Yeah, same one. Nine.”

Oh God. I’ve heard enough. More than enough. More than I’ve ever wanted to hear in my entire life.

My body moves sheerly out of self-preservation, and I turn and run back to my car and tear out of the lot to go home. I don’t allow myself to even think about what I just heard. I can’t, or I’ll fall apart right now. Not now. Not yet. I need to think, I have to be sure… positive.

Yanking the brownie out of its wrapper, I spill chocolate all over my jeans and my seat, but I don’t give a shit as I keep shoving it in my mouth so I don’t scream. As I’m sitting at a stoplight anxious to be home, I realize that if Jaydon is at Opal’s for no reason, Jay will find that suspicious, and I don’t want to clue him in that I know anything right now. I need time to think and figure things out, and to be completely honest, to have one more night together before everything falls apart.

One more night of us cuddling on the couch while he plays with my hair. The last time of him holding me while I sleep. Another morning waking up to his lips caressing my own and his strong hands worshipping my body.

And then I’ll follow him and see with my own eyes before I let the reality of what’s happening hit me and tear my life apart.

So I head back to my sister’s and grab my son, telling her I’ll explain later while avoiding her eyes. She doesn’t question it but tells me she’ll be home if I need her.

Once Jaydon and I get to our house, I start dinner and attempt to fake as normal of a night as I can even though I’m practically hyperventilating with every breath I take. When I hear the garage door open, my heart that’s already hollowed out cracks at the edges, but I squeeze my eyes shut and take a few deep, ragged breaths, bringing myself back to reality and sticking with my plan.

“Hey, Butterfly.” Jay’s smooth voice hits me the same time his arm winds around my waist, his lips hit my neck, and he holds out a bag from the coffee shop in front of me. “Drove by today and got you a couple of brownies.”


He drops the bag on the counter and spins me around, his dark blue eyes scrutinizing my face. One brow raises and he dips his head. “What’s wrong?”



“Nothing, I’m fine. A little tired, but I’m good.”

He doesn’t release his gaze until Jaydon throws his empty cup on the floor. “We’ll talk later.” Jay bends in, kisses my forehead, then my lips, then walks across the kitchen to greet his son.

I turn back to the stove on wobbly knees, release an uneven breath, and finish making dinner. We all eat together like normal, but even Jaydon can sense the tension because he’s fussy and uncooperative the entire time. Jay gives his son a bath before he puts him to bed while I clean up the kitchen. And as I’m wiping down the counter top, my eyes blur, realizing that was the last time the three of us would eat around a table together.

All I have are suspicions and the conversation I overheard, but when I follow him in the morning to the hotel he’s meeting that woman at and discover he’s cheating on me, I refuse to turn a blind eye to it. I won’t tolerate my husband being unfaithful and I definitely will not allow my son to think it’s okay to treat his wife that way.

But I have to have proof. So until I do, I’m going to do everything I can to try enjoy tonight and to get him to change his mind while I’m at it.

“What happened?” I jump at Jay’s voice, and thank God he can’t see my face right now.


“Bullshit, Livvie. Talk to me. What’s wrong?”

I shake my head, not ready to let him go. No matter that he’s cheating on me, he’s still mine for one more night. “Let’s go watch TV.”

When I go to brush past him, he grabs my arm and pulls me against him, his strength unwavering. “Whatever is wrong, love, talk to me so I can fix it.”

I channel the me I was the three years we were apart and fake it. I look up at him and put on the best performance I have my entire life. “Nothing’s wrong, Jay.” I wrap my arms around his neck and tilt my head back to look at his handsome face. “Forget TV, let’s go to bed.”

His eyes drop to my mouth, and when I sink my teeth into my bottom lip, the pulse in his neck pounds, and he nods. “Go get naked. I’m gonna lock up, and then I’ll meet you in bed.”

I rush to our room, but I don’t get naked. I just take my shirt and jeans off, then sit in the middle of our king size bed, waiting with nervous anticipation. He comes in a few minutes later, and closes and locks the door behind him. “Thought I told you to be naked.” He stalks toward me, and I know he’s gonna try to take control, like he always does, but I don’t want that.

I want to give it to him like I know he likes it, thinking maybe it’ll persuade him into changing his mind and he won’t go tomorrow morning. Maybe I can stop it before he goes through with it, if he hasn’t already.

He lunges at me, and I let him take me to my back, but then I put a foot in the mattress and use all my might to flip us over so I straddle him, making my intentions clear. “Livvie,” he growls my name and hardens instantly beneath me.

I bend my neck and slant my head, lowering my mouth to his. His rough hands feel amazing as they trail up and down my back, dipping into the top of my panty line and then teasing the skin below my breasts. The words I heard earlier today play over and over in my head, and I pull away from him to look into his eyes and make sure he’s here with me.

“What?” he whispers.

“Nothing. I just love you.” I don’t want to lose you. I can’t lose you. I can’t live without you.

He frames my face and pulls me down so our tongues tangle once more, but he doesn’t say he loves me back. Oh, God. I was worried deep down that this would happen. After everything we went through, once we finally had our happily ever after, after he risked everything and saved me, he’d feel that his obligation was fulfilled and get bored with me. Jay’s a man who thrives off a challenge, and there isn’t one with me anymore.

Our life is boring. Work, home, kid, repeat.

I know I haven’t lost all the baby weight yet even though I’ve had the time and have no excuse, so maybe that’s part of it. Losing him would kill me. It already broke me once, but if I lost him for good, I honestly don’t know how I’d survive.

I rip my mouth from his and slide down his body. “Livvie.” My fingers tug so hard on his pants and boxer briefs that I hear the material to one of them tear, and before they’re all the way to his ankles, I flatten my tongue and lick up from his heavy sac all the way up to the tip and then take him all in, sucking on the way down. “Fuck.” He pulses his hips but lets me continue. I pull him out with a pop and then fist him around the base and pump a couple of times, salivating when a bead of pearly white leaks out of the slit on the top of his cock.

I flick it with my tongue and slide it down until I reach the notch just below the head and flick that, too. “Jesus, baby.” He grabs my hair and tilts my head to the side just a little to get a better view. “Suck me, Livvie. Quit fuckin’ around.”

My lips form a triumphant smile before they part, and I take him as deep as I can. I love it when I drive him crazy, and especially right now when the cloud of doubt is constantly floating above my head. I know exactly how he likes it, so I continue to suck him hard and squeeze him tight while I bob up and down on his dick.

His thigh jerks involuntarily, and an uncontrolled rumble rolls out of his mouth as he fists my hair. “Okay, baby, come here.”

I shake my head as best as I can, my throat vibrating my attempt at telling him no verbally, and suck harder as I squeeze even tighter and increase my speed even more. “Goddammit, Livvie, fuck… fuck.”

My jaw hurts, but I keep at it, and the sting in my scalp from him tightening his fist causes a jolt of heat down my spine that settles low in my belly. He twitches in my mouth mere seconds before I taste him on my tongue.

He releases my hair, and before I can blink, I’m on my back, and his long fingers are inside me. My spine arches, and I moan at the beautiful intrusion. “I don’t come without you, Olive.” He drops his forehead to mine and circles my throbbing clit before he slides back inside. The ball of his hand provides the perfect friction as he finger fucks me with abandon. “Piss me off, Livvie,” he growls as he increases the speed and pressure. “All the years we’ve been together, I never come without you.”

My eyes snap to his, and though they’re sated, they’re also heated and not in a good way. Perfect, I made him mad. I’m supposed to be doing everything I can to make him happy and to stay, and here I am doing the opposite. “Jay.” I plead with him, for things I’m unsure of. “Jay!” I scream and cry and beg as he continues pleasuring me like only he can.

“Come for me, Livvie.”

Tears well in my eyes from all the emotions taking flight and crashing into each other, and at his words, I do exactly what he commands, absorbing and memorizing this moment so I can remember it forever.


After last night, after he cleaned me up, he held me until I fell asleep, but I woke up alone. I prayed he would change his mind. Really, truly prayed and hoped and wished he wouldn’t go through with it. And now, as I sit in my car in the parking lot and watch him walk into the hotel, and then hug a woman, I drive away knowing I’ve lost him forever.


All day when I’m at work, a knot settles deep in my gut until I can get my eyes on Livvie, and only when she smiles at me does it unravel. This morning’s been worse than most days because of how strange she’s been acting lately, so after I return from meeting Sylvia, the back of my neck tingles when I don’t see Livvie’s car in the garage. After what we went through, if I don’t know where she is, it fucks with my head. She didn’t call me to tell me she was leaving, so what the hell?

Rushing inside, I call out her name but come to a halt when I see a piece of paper on the kitchen island.

I’m sorry for whatever I did to make you fall out of love with me. I’ll be at my sister’s for a while, if you want to see Jaydon just text Ryan what time and he’ll bring him to you. I’m not ready to talk to you about this, so please just give me some space, and when I make a decision, I’ll contact you.

“What. The. Fuck?” I crumple the paper and drop it on the ground. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me!”

I don’t know what the hell she’s thinking, but no matter what, no matter how bad, her even attempting to fuckin’ leave me with a fuckin’ note is the biggest bunch of bull shit I’ve ever seen.

She has to know this shit wouldn’t fly with me, so I don’t even think before I’m in my car going to get her. When I speed to her sister and Ryan’s place, and Ryan opens the door before I even make my way to the porch, my hackles go up even further. “Move,” I bark and march up the steps, but instead of letting me in, he wedges his body through the frame and shakes his head at me. “She doesn’t want to talk to you.”

My chin dips to my chest, and I straighten my spine, so we’re eye level. “Don’t think I won’t take you out to get through that door to get to my fucking wife, Breaker. Move.”

“Nah, man. She’s a mess. How the fuck you could do that to her is beyond me, but until she’s ready to talk to you, she does not see you.”

My heart has taken on a thunderous rhythm, and I actually have to force air into my lungs. “I didn’t do shit to her.”

He crosses his arms and raises a brow. “You didn’t meet a woman behind the coffee shop and make plans to meet up at a hotel, then meet up at said hotel this morning and hug her?”

“How the fuck did she find out about that?”

His arms fall, and he takes a menacing step toward me, ready to throw down for his woman’s sister.

I put a hand on his chest and push him back. “It was a fucking party planner I met with. Do you have any idea how hard it is to pull off a surprise anniversary party for your wife who’s a professional wedding planner? Jesus Christ.” I drop my head and have dual feelings of relief that she’s here and safe, and rage that she’s here in the first place. “She seriously thought I was cheating on her?”

Ryan scrubs a hand down his face. “Yup.”

“Move.” I shoulder him out of the way and open the door, only to find the living room empty. “Olive! Get your ass in here right now.”

Ryan comes inside and stands next to me. “Jaydon and Olivia are in the back room.”

The murmur of female voices filters down the hallway, and I begin to lose patience. “You good to keep him for the day? Actually,” I continue before he can answer. “I’m gonna need you to keep him overnight.” I’ll need at least that much time to teach my wife a lesson.

“Yup.” He grins.


Opal turns the corner and squares her shoulders and glares at me. “Jay, sh—”

“Dollface, no.” Ryan shakes his head. “It’s between them. Go get her so he can take her home, and they can talk this out.”

“She’s not going with him.” She crosses her arms and cocks her head, challenging me. “She’s destroyed, Jay. How could you?”

Fuck this. Ryan grabs Opal and tugs her out of my way as I stride down the hallway, and when I reach the bedroom, I throw open the door to find my wife sitting in the center of her sister’s bed, knees bent and arms wrapped tightly around them with tears rolling down her beautiful, heartbroken face.

She stares at me, and I have to clench my jaw together so I don’t explode on her. Instead, I take the couple of steps to get to her and lift her into my arms without a word. “Jay.”

“Do not speak, woman.”

Her head snaps back, and the soft, sad eyes that I love so much swirl into sharp daggers. “Let me go.”

“I’ll never fuckin’ let you go, Olive, and you goddamn well know it.”

She relaxes into my arms, and when a fresh swell of tears fall down her face, I hold her tighter. “Jay.”

When we get to the living room, Ryan and Opal are sitting next to each other on the couch, and wisely, neither say a word. I stride to my vehicle and pull the door open, then drop her in the passenger seat.

By the time I make it around and get in, she’s got her seat belt on but crowds herself against the door. It takes her a few minutes of silence before she breaks it. “Jay.”


“Don’t talk to me like I’m a child.”

I turn the ignition and glance at her while I pull onto the street. “Don’t do stupid shit like write me a note and go hide at your sister’s house when you’ve got an issue with your husband that you didn’t even talk about with him.”

“I’m sorry, did you need to hear me say that I saw you with another woman? That I heard you tell her your wife couldn’t find out? Listened to you making plans to meet up with her at a hotel, and then followed you to said hotel and watched you put your hands on her?”

“You have no clue what you’re talking about. No fuckin’ clue. God, Livvie.” I pull into our driveway and slam the shifter into park. “Get inside.”

By the time I get around to the front of my car, she’s already heading through the mudroom. I follow her and slam the door behind me, furious that she could think I’d ever do that to her. Pissed beyond all belief that she doesn’t know how deeply in love with her I am that I’d rather cut off my arm than touch another woman in the way she’s thinking.

She twirls around and points at me, but I lift my arm and point over her head. “Bedroom.”

“Oh, hell no, we are not having sex.”

One large step and I’m so close her tits brush my chest. Her pulse in her neck thumps rhythmically, her cheeks flush, and her eyes flash. I tip my chin, and her head tilts back. “You’re right. We’re not. First, you’re gonna get on your knees and tell me how sorry you are… and then we’re gonna fuck, Livvie.”

“Jay…” Her voice wavers.

“Bedroom. Now.”

She narrows her eyes at me and huffs, then spins on her toes. Her hair flies and hits me in the face, and if I wasn’t so fucking pissed right now, I’d laugh at how damn cute she is when she gets pissed.

We get to the room, and she stands at the foot of the bed, and I go to the closet and grab the suitcase we have on a shelf. When I get back to the room, her lips part, and she brings her hand up to cover her mouth.

I unzip it and dump the contents onto the bed, then toss the case across the room. The wheels crash into the wall and dent it, but I don’t give a shit. When I lift two different plastic plates, one solid white, the other with a bronze outline, her head tilts in confusion.

Those fall to the floor with a clatter when I drop them, and then I hold up two different types of fake flowers. One purple and the other white. “Jay, what—”

“Which one?”


“Purple or white?”

She shakes her head a little. “Purple, but what—”

“Good. Now, centerpieces.” I lift a sliced and sanded piece of wood and a Mason jar. “Which one?”

“Jay, I don’t—”

“Which fuckin’ one, Livvie?”

She fists her hands at her thighs. “Why are you asking me this shit?”

“Because I’ve been trying to decide for weeks because I wanted our anniversary party to be perfect, and as much as I know you and I think I know what you want, I can’t make a decision to save my life because I don’t know how to make it perfect, and I can’t ask you since I wanted to make it a surprise. So instead of driving myself insane, I hired an event planner who I met at a hotel to look at the room options. I put her in charge of making it perfect because that’s what you deserve.” I’m practically panting, and her eyes close as her face falls. “I know you know how much I love you, and the fact that the thought could cross your mind that I’d step out on you makes me livid.”

She licks her lips, and her wet eyes find mine. “You turned me down the other day.”

My shoulders sag, and I drop my head.

“You’ve never said no to me, and you left the room to take a call, and you were late picking up Jaydon. Then I overheard you behind the coffee shop, and I—”

“Livvie, we had Mexican for dinner that night.”

Her mouth snaps closed.

“I wasn’t about to fuck you when my stomach felt like ass. And I had to go over details of a case that I did not want my woman hearing because they were brutal. I wasn’t late getting Jaydon, either. I was in the garage with your dad talking to him for an hour before I went inside.” Her throat moves when she swallows, and she bites her lip. I count to five before I point at the floor in front of my feet. “Come here.”

She scurries around the bed and doesn’t hesitate, burying her face in my chest. I wrap my arm around her back, slide my fingers through her hair, and cradle her head, bending my neck to rest my lips by her ear. “I’m sorry,” she whispers.

“You know me better than that.”

“I know.”

“Then why would you even let that thought cross your mind?”

Her body shakes with a sob, and I push all the party shit onto the floor, then lay us across on the bed. Brushing some of her hair away from her face, I cup her jaw and rub my thumb along her cheek. “Talk to me, sweetheart.”

“I still have the baby weight and—”

“Do not fucking go there.”

Her bottom lip trembles. “It’s the truth.”

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. Any weight you’ve gained is because you grew our perfect son inside your body, and it does nothing but make you that much more amazing. You’re gorgeous. Every inch of you.”


“No. No buts, and if you don’t feel that way, then I need to step up my game because there is no way in hell my girl needs to think she’s anything short of perfect.”

She shakes her head. “It’s not you. You tell me all the time. I just… I don’t know. And now I feel bad, all the work you’ve been doing, and I ruined it all.”

“Baby, you didn’t ruin anything. In fact, it works out better this way because now you can pick all the shit and—”

“Oh, no. This is your thing. I think it’ll be fun to see what you end up picking.”

I grin. “I’m not picking anything. Remember, I hired someone to do that for me.”


“Sylvia Rivera.”

She smiles. “I can’t believe I didn’t recognize her, but she’s awesome. I refer clients to her when I’m full.”

“I know, and that’s why I picked her. Well, no. I picked her because I ran into her at the store a while ago and recognized her from seeing her in your office. I got her number after I asked for some tips for throwing you a party. She said she’s pulled off lots of surprise parties before, but never one for another planner, so she was excited to try it. That was what you heard us talking about again yesterday.”

The shadow across her face glides right off as I speak as the words she must have heard Sylvia say were making sense now. “I’m so sorry. I should never have doubted you.”

“It’s okay. But I told you that you were gonna get on your knees to tell me how sorry you were for doubting my love for you.” I stand and reach for my belt, whip it through the loops, then drop it to the floor. I grab my T-shirt from between my shoulder blades and tear it off my chest, then drop my jeans and boxers. My wife’s face is flushed from crying but also because she’s hot for me, just the way I like her. Truth be told, I like her any way I can get her, but this is my favorite. I grab her ankles and pull her to the end of the bed, undo her button fly, then slowly peel her jeans off her long ass legs. Leaning over her, I rest my forehead against hers. “I think I’m the one who should say sorry. My girl thought she wasn’t everything I’ve ever wanted and all I’ll ever need.”

I drop down to one knee, then the other. Her legs fall open, and she pushes up on her elbows. “Jay, I—”

“You’re gonna do nothing but lay back, Livvie, and let your man eat your pretty pussy to show you how much he loves you.”

She whimpers and bites her lip, then falls to her back. I run my hands up and down her trembling thighs and spread her open with my thumbs. “So pretty, baby.” My tongue trails up from her ass to clit, and her back bows off the bed. “So perfect. So mine.”

“Yes.” Her nails scrape the top of my head and she fists my hair in her fingers. “Need you.”

I raise my eyes enough to catch her watery ones on me. “You have me, Olive. Always have. Always will.”

“Please. Come up here.”

Kissing her stomach, I make my way up to her and frame her beautiful face in my hands. Sliding inside one painfully beautiful inch at a time, I watch her. Her wet eyes, full of desire, and her bottom lip quivers. “Don’t cry, Olive.”

“I’m sorry, I can’t believe I—”

“Shh.” I press my finger against her lips. “It’s okay. Just lay back, let me make love to you, let me remind you what you do to me. Remind you who you belong to. Remind you that I belong to you.”


“Yeah, sweetheart. You’re mine. Forever. That hasn’t changed, never will.”

Her lips quiver when she smiles. “Good.”

“Good.” I slide out, then back in, barely able to hold myself up anymore with how damn good it feels to be inside of her. “Can I fuck you now?”

She rolls her eyes and I take that as a yes. So then I fuck my wife, loving each stroke more than the next and wondering how every single time it gets better… but knowing it’s simply because it’s her. It’s always been her, it’ll always be just her.